The Language Alchemy Podcast
The language you use every day shapes your world and is your bridge to deeply connecting with yourself and others. Through the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka, a transformative communication teacher and coach, invites you to explore and express your deepest truths with clarity, confidence, and compassion. Give conscious shape to a fulfilling life and meaningful relationships with Language Alchemy.
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Empathy. It’s how we tap into the human experience, leave our world and enter into someone else’s, witness their experience, and show them that they matter to us. By showing empathy, we offer someone the invaluable gift of being seen and heard. On today’s episode host and transformative communication coach, Alejandra, continues the conversation about empathy as discussed in the previous episode, episode 109. She walks us through five benefits of communicating with empathy–which also apply to the one offering it– and presents several scenarios which require empathic communication, from a partner’s success to a friend’s conflict with a co-worker.
It’s important to know what empathy is not. It’s not the same as sympathy, and doesn’t require agreement. It is also, Alejandra emphasizes, not about having a perfect answer, reading a person’s mind or–most crucially– a technique.
Conscious communication means being aware of one's intentions to connect with another person and communicate in ways that reflect our intention. This includes, accompanying the other person in their experience.. After today’s episode of Language Alchemy, you will understand how to communicate with empathy consciously and skillfully.
#witness #conscious communication #empathicresponse #communication
• “Every member of our precious human family has the need to…be witnessed.” (3:58 | Alejandra)
• “Offering empathy is a gift for both the person who's giving it and the person who's receiving it, the other person, and ourselves.” (10:00 | Alejandra)
• “It doesn't matter if you guessed exactly what your friend was feeling. What matters is that the expression of empathy shows that you want to understand what this experience was like for your friend.” (12:28 | Alejandra)
• “Empathy has nothing to do with agreement.” (17:58 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
In this episode, host and transformative communication coach, Alejandra Siroka explains that empathy involves truly understanding and sharing in someone else's feelings, while sympathy is more about expressing concern for another person's suffering. Throughout the episode, Alejandra draws upon her experience with Nonviolent Communication and her background in empathy studies. She provides listeners with relatable scenarios to illustrate the differences between empathy and sympathy, offering phrases that illustrate each approach.
It’s important to use these sympathetic and empathic expressions mindfully, as they can significantly impact how the other person perceives your response. Alejandra recommends considering the potential pitfalls of relying solely on sympathy, which might inadvertently reinforce the pain or suffering of the other person, particularly in the context of traumatic experiences. Finally, Alejandra suggests experimenting with expressions of sympathy and empathy and observing how each is received by others. As we take our time and practice, we will be better able to know whether sympathy or empathy lead us to a greater sense of connection in our daily conversations.
• “In a nutshell, empathy is about understanding or trying to understand. There's an old proverb that is a great example of empathy and it goes like this, “You can't judge a person until you walk a mile in their shoes.” So, one way of remembering empathy is that when there's empathy, there is no judgment.” (11:31 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “When you express empathy, you are in the feeling or trying to be in the feeling with the other person. When you say something such as, “You worked so hard for it and I know you have all the skills to get that promotion,” you're showing that your intention is to look at the situation in the same way, and perhaps with the same emotions that the other person is experiencing.” (09:45 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “When you respond with sympathy, and say something like, ‘Poor you, that sucks, I'm sorry that happened to you,’ you are conveying that you are with a feeling that may be similar to what the other person is experiencing and that you yourself feel badly, or sorry, that the other person is suffering or going through a painful experience.” (12:07 | Alejandra Siroka)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
In our human interactions, disagreements are natural and don’t need to be feared. They offer us opportunities to learn from others, better understand ourselves, and enrich our perspectives. To navigate disagreements skillfully, adopting a mindset grounded in humility, respect, and equality is essential. This allows us to embrace differing viewpoints without diminishing the value of open dialogue.
In this episode, host and transformative communication coach, Alejandra, shares three communication strategies to foster respectful disagreements. Firstly, she advises approaching differing opinions with genuine curiosity and openness, asking questions to understand the other person's perspective without being accusatory. Secondly, acknowledging that the expressed viewpoint is the other person's opinion, belief, or experience removes defensiveness and honors their right to individual thoughts. And finally, a simple "thank you" goes a long way in encouraging open and safe communication. Gratitude for sharing opinions helps build bridges of understanding in today's polarized world.
Disagreements are inevitable, but responding with skillful communication can lead to more meaningful conversations, deeper understanding, and personal growth. So, let's embrace disagreements as chances for connection and compassion. Together, we can nurture authentic and transformative interactions.
• "Disagreements help us understand ourselves because we hear ourselves saying something out loud, something that matters to us." (00:23 | Alejandra Siroka)
• "Having a mindset grounded in respect, equality, and humility is crucial to disagree respectfully and skillfully." (04:33 | Alejandra Siroka)
• "When you hear something you disagree with, you can ask something such as, 'oh, and how is this so for you?'" (09:30 | Alejandra Siroka)
• "Acknowledge out loud that this is the other person's opinion, experience, perspective, and point of view." (11:50 | Alejandra Siroka)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
As humans, it is not possible to agree on everything all the time. It is natural and completely okay to have different opinions. In fact, having different opinions can be a good thing, because it expands our perspectives. The problem occurs when you respond unskillfully to hearing a differing opinion. If when hearing an opinion you disagree with, you respond with dismissive language, that creates separation between you and the other person and can quickly turn a conversation into an argument. Today, host and transformative communication coach Alejandra discusses the number one communication mistake people make during disagreements by sharing examples of dismissive language. She also explains how to avoid this situation by disagreeing more skillfully with language that encourages connection instead of separation.
When someone tells you something that you disagree with, how do you typically respond? The most common way people respond is by trying to demonstrate how the other person’s opinion is wrong in an attempt to persuade them to change their minds. From your perspective, you may not realize that you are actually being dismissive of how the other person feels. The purpose of communication is to forge connections with others, but by using dismissive language, you are actually dismantling that connection. Instead of responding dismissively, remember to keep your intention of connection central to your conversation. By disagreeing more skillfully, you can have more meaningful conversations, learn more about the other person, and expand your mind.
The next time you are in a conversation that starts heading toward a disagreement, try to respond skillfully rather than dismissively. Just because you have differing opinions does not mean that you cannot communicate with compassion.
• “This very common mistake we make is that when we hear an opinion we disagree with, we dismiss what we just heard.” (6:02 | Alejandra)
• “When we dismiss what we just heard, we tend to do two things. Number one, we try to show the other person that their opinion is wrong. And number two, we try to persuade them that our opinion is right.” (6:12 | Alejandra)
• “Language is one of the most powerful tools we have available to us to bring forth healing or harm.” (7:38 | Alejandra)
• “When you have an opinion that's different from the other person’s, please avoid using language that's hurtful to the other.” (9:29 | Alejandra)
• “When you hear something you disagree with, remember that you are talking to this person and fulfilling a very important need for yourself and the other. And that is the need for connection.” (12:34 | Alejandra)
• “Learning to disagree skillfully with others in a way that leads to connection will help you have meaningful and enriching conversations in which you and the other can learn about each other and you can also expand your perspectives.” (13:18 | Alejandra)
• “If you would like to relate to other humans like you with clarity, confidence and compassion… show up in your family, your workplace, your community in a way that brings more equity, more love, and more healing.” (2:35 | Alejandra)
• “Your friend was talking about their childhood and their sweet memories of playing with Barbies… because of how you're using language to express yourself.” (6:38 | Alejandra)
• “When someone tells us something about them or an opinion they have about something and we dismiss them with our language, we are creating separation. When we are having a conversation, we are connecting with someone or at the very least we're heading towards the possibility of connection. But when we dismiss someone, that connection breaks. Dismissive language disconnects us, separates us, divides us, hurts us.” (11:16 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Wednesday Jul 26, 2023
Do you consider yourself an extrovert, introvert, or an ambivert? No matter which social persona you feel most accurately describes you, engaging in conscious socializing will enable you to show up as your most authentic self. Today, host and transformative communication coach Alejandra explains how the spontaneity that comes with conscious communication allows for more authenticity within social interactions than habitual communication does.
When you socialize with groups of people, you may be communicating habitually rather than communicating with intentionality. This can lead to you not connecting as well with others, not learning about others, and not behaving in alignment with your authentic self. If you identify as an extrovert, allow social interactions to fill both your energy and connection cups. If you realize you are taking up the most time and space within a conversation, take a break and allow someone else’s voice to be heard. For introverts who may be tempted to cancel plans or leave early from a party, remember that you are a social being who genuinely needs human connection to thrive. Keep an eye on your energy levels throughout the event and take breaks when needed. When you get to the point where breaks are not enough to refuel you, that is your cue to begin consciously saying your goodbyes to the host. If you are an ambivert like Alejandra, plan ahead for how long you can reasonably stay at the event based on your energy levels. When the social engagement starts becoming more draining than energizing, then it is time to leave.
Social events are wonderful opportunities for you to grow your connections with others while letting your authentic self shine. Whether you are a life of the party extrovert, a self-conscious, reserved introvert, or somewhere in between, conscious socializing through authentic communication is key to forming stronger connections.
• “When you communicate consciously, you're more spontaneous. And when you are more spontaneous, you are authentic.” (12:31 | Alejandra)
• “When you communicate habitually, you're much less likely to communicate with authenticity.” (12:40 | Alejandra)
• “Social connection is good for your heart, for your head, and for your physical health.” (15:24 | Alejandra)
• “Consider what you had going on the day of the event and the day after the event and have a clear idea about how long you can be there in a way that feels nourishing and meaningful to you.” (17:38 | Alejandra)
• “While you are at the social event, notice what your energy is like.” (18:18 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
To engage in conscious communication means taking the time to consider your intention first in order to make sure you are communicating skillfully during each interaction. In order to determine and set your intention, you have to understand what an intention is. Today, host and transformative communication coach Alejandra explains the difference between having an intention and having an agenda, as well as why the distinction between the two is so important for conscious communication.
At first glance, an intention and an agenda seem quite similar. They are both related to the desire for what you want to have happen in the future. The difference is that with intention, you are consciously focusing on how you want to show up throughout an interaction, being careful to stick to that intention regardless of the other person’s words or actions. With an agenda, you are focusing instead on what you want to happen as a result of the interaction with little to no regard for what the other person wants or the context. By choosing to communicate with an agenda, you are setting yourself up for potential disappointment, as you cannot control how other people feel or behave. An intention, on the other hand, is something that you set for yourself.
To get used to communicating with intention instead of an agenda, start by having one interaction a day where you generate your intention beforehand. Maybe you want to communicate lovingly with a family member during a difficult conversation or you want to be more present while listening to your partner when they tell you about their day. The more you practice communicating with intention, the easier it will be to leave agendas in the past.
• “When we have an agenda, we want something very specific to happen and we have little to no consideration of the other person or the context.” (9:54 | Alejandra)
• “Having an intention sets you up for conscious interactions.” (11:55 | Alejandra)
• “When you have an intention, you think about how you want to show up in that interaction, and as you are interacting with the other person, you keep your intention in mind.” (12:18 | Alejandra)
• “Once a day, generate an intention before you talk to someone.” (13:45 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
In the previous episode, host and transformative communication coach Alejandra explained the history of the idiom ‘coming out’ and taught three mistakes to avoid when a person chooses to come out to you. Today, she expands on this discussion by sharing six ways of responding skillfully, compassionately, and respectfully when someone comes out as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
When someone comes out to you, they are taking a big risk with their emotional safety. Show them that they are right to feel safe with you and validate their sense of belonging by thanking them for their vulnerability and trust. Listen carefully to what they say and do not try to make the conversation about yourself. Demonstrate your respect and acceptance by using the language they use for themselves. This includes using the label they identify with, using the name they would like to be called, and using the pronouns they want to be addressed by. If you care about this person and their safety, be sure to keep what they have told you confidential. Just because they are ready to come out to you, does not mean they are ready to come out to the entire world or that it would be safe for them to do so. Additionally, if you have any inherited negative beliefs about being LGBTQ+, keep those thoughts to yourself and do not burden the person with any intolerances or judgements. Finally, do not change the way you relate to the other person after they have come out to you. This means continuing to do all the same things together that you did before and not changing your behavior just because they are LGBTQ+.
Honor the person coming out to you for their courage and their trust in you by taking the time to learn how to communicate skillfully and respectfully. When you remember that someone coming out to you is about them and not yourself, it becomes easier to navigate being a good ally.
• “If your intention is to contribute to the wellbeing, safety, and sense of belonging of the person who's coming out to you, then when someone comes out to you say, thank you.” (3:07-3:19 | Alejandra)
• “Use the word that the other person has used to identify themselves. If they said to you, I am gay, use the word gay. If they said to you, I am bisexual, use the word bisexual. If they said queer, use the word queer.” (4:23-4:38 | Alejandra)
• “The fact that this person told you about their identity doesn't mean that they're ready to come out to the rest of the world.” (6:02-6:08 | Alejandra)
• “When someone comes out to you, keep your judgments, your intolerance, and your inherited negative beliefs to yourself.” (8:47-8:56 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
“Coming out is still something very challenging for a lot of LGBTQIA+ people. And so it's important to respond in a way that communicates to the person coming out that they're safe with us and they belong with us,” explains host and transformative communication coach Alejandra. When an LGBTQ person is coming out of the closet, the way you respond can either validate their sense of belonging with you or trigger a painful experience of losing that belonging and safety. Today, Alejandra explains the history of the term ‘coming out’ and shares three crucial mistakes to avoid when someone comes out to you.
Even if you don’t intend to shame someone with your response, it is entirely possible that how you react to a person coming out will indirectly cause them shame. Many LGBTQ people have experienced aggression, discrimination, intolerance, and even violence due to their identity. This means that if someone is choosing to come out to you, they are risking their emotional safety based on their belief that you are a safe person to be authentic with. If your response causes shame, this will reinforce their fear of being openly themselves. Additionally, even though you are likely to be curious, it is important to not ask questions about anything that the person does not bring up directly. Coming out is often a very stressful process and it can be even more overwhelming if immediately upon coming out, someone is bombarded with a bunch of intimate questions. Lastly, keep in mind that someone coming out to you is entirely about them, not about you. The other person may perceive your response as invalidating if you make their coming out about yourself.
If someone trusts you enough to come out to you, you owe it to that person to respond in a way that is respectful of the courage it took for them to speak their truth. Through conscious communication, you can respond in a way that strengthens that person’s sense of belonging and safety with you and avoids causing any additional emotional distress.
• “It’s very likely that there are people in your life, people you interact with, who are in the closet.” (2:03-2:09 | Alejandra)
• “Do not shame the person coming out either directly or indirectly.” (9:49-9:54 | Alejandra)
• “Don't ask questions about anything the other person is not addressing.” (11:39-11:44 | Alejandra)
• “When someone is coming out, it is about them. It is not about you.” (12:30-12:36 | Alejandra)
• “Coming out is still something very challenging for a lot of LGBTQIA people. And so it's important to respond in a way that communicates to the person coming out that they're safe with us and they belong with us.” (13:12-13:29 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
“When we transform our communication, we transform our lives, our relationships and our world,” explains host and transformative communication coach Alejandra. In episode 101 of the Language Alchemy Podcast, Alejandra shared the first four foundational principles of her Language Alchemy® communication system. Today, she explains foundational principles five through eight, so that you can put into practice these principles to transform your communication and in doing so, transform your life.
By learning the foundational principles of Language Alchemy® you will be better equipped to communicate clearly and consciously. The fifth principle is that there is no one size fits all communication. The most effective communication to use will depend on context and intention. For example, you would not use the same language to communicate with a child as you would with an adult. The sixth principle is that when you choose to communicate as the capable, conscious and mature adult that you are, you can bring forth peace, love, connection and equity. Principle seven is all about letting go of the myth of perfection and embracing reparation. Even though you are learning these Language Alchemy® skills, there will be times when you will slip back into old patterns. No one communicates perfectly all the time, not even Alejandra. What matters is that when you do make a mistake, you humbly recognize that, apologize and repair the relationship. Finally, the eighth principle is that by transforming your communication, you will transform your life, your relationships, and the world.
The world today is so divisive. By communicating consciously with these principles in mind, you can transform the world around you into a more loving, compassionate, and equitable one.
• “There's no one size fits all communication. Communication depends on the context and the intention.” (3:17-3:25 | Alejandra)
• “You can bring forth peace, love, connection and equity to your life, our human family and our world when you choose to communicate as the capable, conscious and mature adult that you are.” (5:30-5:45 | Alejandra)
• “Let go of perfection and embrace preparation.” (7:30-7:34 | Alejandra)
• “When we transform our communication, we transform our lives, our relationships and our world.” (10:09-10:15 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
“The language we use is one of the most powerful tools we have to look at reality, understand reality and relate to reality. And that means that the language we use directly impacts the condition of our life, our relationships and our world,” explains host and transformative communication coach Alejandra. There are eight foundational principles that form the unique Language Alchemy® communication system. In today’s episode of the Language Alchemy Podcast, Alejandra shares the first four foundational principles you need to know in order to begin transforming your communication and in doing so, your life.
Knowing the foundational principles behind anything you learn is important, because they will help you to determine whether that teaching is in alignment with your own values and vision. The first principle of Language Alchemy® is understanding that the language you use directly shapes your reality. This leads into the second principle, which is that during the language acquisition stage, you learn to communicate based on how those around you communicate. If you do not consciously bring awareness to the way you communicate as you mature, you will continue to communicate in ways you were taught as a young child. Principle three builds off of this concept, stating that authentic communication is all about learning to use your own language with awareness, intentionality and responsibility. Lastly, the fourth principle is about how as you grow, mature, and deepen, your communication needs to grow, mature, and deepen alongside you.
By understanding these foundational principles, you will be better able to notice not only how you communicate, but why you communicate the way that you do. With this newfound awareness, you can then see where your communication does or does not align with your values and transform how you express yourself so that you can communicate authentically.
• “The language we use is one of the most powerful tools we have to look at reality, understand reality and relate to reality. And that means that the language we use directly impacts the condition of our life, our relationships and our world.” (5:34-5:51 | Alejandra)
• “The language you speak is the language you learned, and you have the capacity to learn to communicate differently.” (7:56-8:04 | Alejandra)
• “As we grow, mature and deepen, our communication needs to grow, mature and deepen.” (11:37-11:44 | Alejandra)
• “When your communication is in alignment with the conscious, compassionate and mature adult that you are, you can have the life and relationships your heart longs for, and that our human family really needs.” (17:53-18:10 | Alejandra)
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by