The Language Alchemy Podcast

The language you use every day shapes your world and is your bridge to deeply connecting with yourself and others. Through the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka, a transformative communication teacher and coach, invites you to explore and express your deepest truths with clarity, confidence, and compassion. Give conscious shape to a fulfilling life and meaningful relationships with Language Alchemy.

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Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Are you gearing up for a crucial conversation and hoping to avoid the usual pitfalls of frustration and misunderstanding? In this episode, Alejandra introduces a powerful framework rooted in Buddhist wisdom called "wise speech." It's designed to assist you in navigating sensitive conversations with greater ease, fostering understanding and deeper connections. By asking yourself five profound questions, you can transform your approach to challenging discussions and unlock the potential for positive outcomes.
The five questions to ask yourself before having a sensitive conversation are:
Is what I want to talk about useful? Consider whether expressing your feelings and needs would be beneficial for both you and the other person involved. Will it lead to positive changes and a deeper connection?
Is what I want to talk about truthful? Reflect on the accuracy of your perception and whether your feelings are based on facts or assumptions. Ensure that your communication is grounded in truth to avoid misunderstandings.
Is this a good time to talk about this? Assess whether both you and the other person are in a place where you can truly listen and engage in a meaningful conversation. Timing is crucial for skillful communication.
Am I feeling kindness, care, and warmth towards both of us? Check your emotional state and make sure you approach the conversation with empathy and compassion. If you're harboring anger or judgment, it may be better to work on cultivating kindness before engaging in the discussion.
What am I feeling in my body? Pay attention to your physical sensations and assess whether you feel grounded, calm, open, and spacious. If you're experiencing tension or intensity, address those first before initiating the conversation.
These questions offer a unique perspective on communication, emphasizing the importance of expressing ourselves with love, compassion, and kindness. They go beyond choosing the right words, delving into the subtleties of body language, tone of voice, and actions. By incorporating these questions into your communication practice, you can turn challenging conversations into opportunities for growth and deeper connection.
• “The Buddhist concept of wise speech offers us a way to express ourselves anchored in our capacity to let our essential wisdom emerge. According to Buddhism, our essential wisdom is consistently loving, compassionate, and kind.” (3:54 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• "These questions have helped so many of my clients communicate something important skillfully and have a deeper sense of connection with others and even have their support.” (12:52 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “These five questions will help you decide if your communication is likely to be skillful or unskillful, and whether your communication is likely to have a positive or a negative impact. If you notice you can't have skillful conversations with the closest people in your life, or if you now realize that when you bring important things up, there's a negative impact, then it's time to get some support.” (14:36 | Alejandra Siroka) 
Language Alchemy episode 51:
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To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Creating distance when we yearn for closeness can be heartbreaking, especially when our own communication habits may be the root cause of this outcome. In this episode of the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka delves into the painful irony of how our unintentional communication patterns can widen the gap with those we wish to feel closer to. The episode focuses on the adverse effects of unconscious, unskillful, and hurtful communication, which impacts not only the receiver but also the communicator and the overall health of the relationship.
Alejandra uses vivid examples to highlight how negative communication can manifest and the repercussions it can have. She discusses scenarios ranging from a parent's judgmental response to their child's actions, which can erode trust and safety, to a coworker's dismissive attitude towards another's discomfort with racist remarks, potentially leading to professional fallout. These examples illustrate how communication can create barriers, breed misunderstanding, and damage the fabric of relationships.
The harm caused by such communication isn’t limited to the receiver; it adversely affects the speaker as well. Alejandra points out that unskillful responses can lead to strained relationships, defensiveness, and even the use of offensive language, creating a cycle of negativity. This not only impacts individual interactions but can also lead to a general deterioration in the quality of the relationship, making it superficial, strained, or even leading to disconnection.
Recognizing these patterns is the first step towards change, and Alejandra encourages listeners to reflect on their communication habits. She offers listeners a quiz to identify self-sabotaging communication habits and a free mini video training to begin addressing these issues. By transforming their communication, individuals can significantly improve both their personal and professional relationships.
• “When your immediate response is to judge, criticize, or shame the other person, the person who's receiving your unskillful or hurtful communication will be affected negatively. And if you keep communicating in ways that have a negative impact, then your kid or that other person will feel unsafe with you. Not only to go to you when they made a mistake or they did something that they feel embarrassed about, but also when they had any kind of deep experience, even experiences of joy.” (3:42 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “When you transform your communication, you transform your life, and when you transform your life, you transform your relationships. On the other side of that truth is that when you communicate unconsciously, unskillfully, or hurtfully, the negative impact is threefold. It affects the person who receives your communication, it affects you, and it affects the relationship.” (9:55 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• “If at this moment you are experiencing that negative impact in your life and in your relationships, then the most honorable thing you can do is to reflect on your communication and choose to do the work to learn to communicate differently in ways.” (10:24 | Alejandra Siroka) 
To take my quiz and identify your self-sabotaging habits click here:
To listen to podcast #105, Are you Communicating with An Intention or an Agenda? visit:
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To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024

How well do you believe you communicate?  In this episode of the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka brings to light a compelling aspect of human nature: the tendency to overestimate our communication abilities. This insight prompts a deeper exploration of the discrepancies between what we intend to convey and the actual impact of our words on others.
When we think about communication habits that have a negative impact, Alejandra divides these into three levels of awareness: very obvious, less obvious, and subtle. She explores a range of behaviors, including bullying, passive aggression, and interrupting, to the seemingly benign act of giving unsolicited advice. 
The episode emphasizes the crucial role of self-awareness in identifying our communication habits. Alejandra encourages listeners to develop curiosity about how their communication tendencies affect those around them and to be mindful of the impact they have.
For those who recognize these habits in themselves and seek to enhance their communication, Alejandra offers the opportunity for personalized coaching. By visiting, listeners can embark on a journey of personal growth, learning to communicate with clarity, confidence and compassion.
• “Most people believe they communicate better than they actually do.” (3:21 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• “Many times relationship issues happen because we're not aware of how we are communicating. And specifically, we are not aware of the impact of our communication.” (12:14 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “If you notice you have one or perhaps many of these negative communication habits, congratulations. Yes, now you are having awareness of your communication. And with awareness, you can then have a choice as to what kind of impact you would like your communication to have. (13:06 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “My invitation to you is this, be curious about how you are communicating this week. Notice if you're engaging in one of the very obvious, less obvious, or more subtle communication habits that have a negative impact.” (17:33 | Alejandra Siroka)  
To listen to podcast #105, Are you Communicating with An Intention or an Agenda? visit:
To have group coaching with Alejandra, visit:
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To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024

Your communication has a profound influence on the quality of your relationships. In this insightful episode of the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka brings to light the crucial need for awareness in how we communicate, underscoring its power to either strengthen bonds or cause harm.
Alejandra explores the multifaceted nature of communication, highlighting that it's not just about the words we use. Aspects such as tone of voice, body language, demeanor, energy, and actions play a significant role. She provides examples to illustrate how different styles of communication can have a range of impacts, from uplifting and positive, to negative and damaging.
A key focus of the episode is the delicate balance between intention and impact. Alejandra points out that even with the best intentions, our way of communicating might not always yield a positive effect. She introduces the concept of relational communication, aiming to nourish life and foster connections. This approach centers on cultivating love, authenticity, peace, compassion, equity, and equality in our interactions.
To develop a deeper understanding of our communication's impact, Alejandra advises listeners to be observant of others' reactions. She challenges listeners to take on a 7-day exploration and pay close attention to facial expressions, tones, body language, word choices, and actions as responses to our own communication style.
For listeners inspired to take their communication skills to the next level, Alejandra extends a special invitation. Whether you're interested in one-on-one coaching for personalized guidance or prefer the collaborative environment of group coaching, Alejandra offers programs tailored to help you improve your communication. These sessions are designed to deepen your understanding and practice of effective, relationship-enhancing communication strategies. To explore these opportunities and begin your journey towards more impactful communication, visit for more details on her coaching programs.
• “Communication from the Language Alchemy perspective encompasses, of course, our verbal language, the words we say, how we say them, our tone of voice, the quality of our voice, our body language, such as facial expressions, gestures, body postures, breath, our energy, that is to say what's going on in our bodies, and our actions and behaviors. All of these make up our communication.” (2:33 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• “From the lens of Language Alchemy, the purpose of communication is to contribute to life. The goal is to connect with ourselves and other precious human beings so that we can all thrive together and enjoy the experience of love, authenticity, peace, compassion, equity, and equality.” (8:53 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “During these next seven days, notice how the people in your life respond to your communication and actions. And I'm saying communication and actions here just to be super clear, but remember that from the Language Alchemy perspective, all actions and behaviors are communication. So during the next seven days, notice how the people in your life respond to you.” (14:21 | Alejandra Siroka)
To listen to podcast #105, Are you Communicating with An Intention or an Agenda? visit:
To have group coaching with Alejandra, visit:
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To ask questions you'd like Alejandra to answer in the podcast, visit:
To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024

Why does embracing change often feel so daunting? As we set new goals and strive to break old habits in the new year, Alejandra Siroka sheds light on the intricate nature of change and the subtle resistance that frequently accompanies it.
Alejandra identifies fear as a primary obstacle to change. Fears like rejection, conflict, or feeling unsupported can loom large, acting as barriers that prevent us from pursuing the life changes we truly desire. She offers insightful commentary on how these fears can keep us stuck, impeding our progress towards our goals.
Drawing inspiration from the natural world, Alejandra offers 5 perspectives on change. She compares it to the ebb and flow of the seasons, illustrating that change is a natural, integral part of life's rhythm. This analogy serves as a poignant reminder that growth often requires us to step out of our comfort zones, akin to a seed breaking free to grow.
In discussing the value of professional guidance in navigating change, Alejandra outlines the benefits of both coaching and therapy. She explains how each can provide unique support in understanding and moving past personal barriers to change.
Recognizing that life is precious, Alejandra emphasizes the importance of making changes that enrich our lives and those around us. To honor your precious life and embark on a journey of transformation, Alejandra invites you to explore her upcoming three-month group coaching programs, starting January 16th. Limited to just 10 individuals, these programs offer an intimate and impactful setting for growth. Learn more at Alternatively, for personalized, one-on-one guidance, visit and start your transformative journey with Alejandra as your guide.
• “What blocks your ability to take the steps towards the kind of change you want to make in your life and relationship is not other people. It is actually internal. It is just simple fear.” (3:37 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “I'm going to share some differences between therapists and coaches to help you decide who to reach out for support. While both coaches and therapists will ask you about what kind of change you want in your life, a coach is going to help you understand your present experience, help you set goals, and help you develop the skills to achieve your goals. While a therapist is going to help you understand your life history and how your past environment and circumstances led you to the present issues.” (8:52 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “Even though there are some therapists who also help you set goals, therapy is more process-oriented, while coaching is more action-oriented. So when you have a coaching session, you come away with an action to experiment with, and your coach has contact with you in between sessions to keep you accountable.” (9:33 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• “When you experience resistance, something useful you can do is to take inspiration from nature.” (13:47 | Alejandra Siroka)
To have group coaching with Alejandra, visit:
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To ask questions you'd like Alejandra to answer in the podcast, visit:
To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024

How can changing the way we communicate transform our lives? In this episode of the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka explores this question with Cathy Simon, a renowned architect and author.  Cathy generously shares her experience of conscious communication coaching with Alejandra.
Cathy's adventure into Language Alchemy began through a friend's recommendation, leading her to Alejandra during a pivotal time in her personal and professional life. This decision marked the start of an impactful nine-month journey. Through one-on-one coaching with Alejandra, Cathy explored her communication patterns, learning to express her desires and needs in more effective and compassionate ways. The process was not just about learning new skills; it was a joyous transformation, reshaping how Cathy interacted with the world around her.
The impact of this journey was profound. In her marriage, Cathy's newfound communication skills led to a breakthrough, enabling her to address long-standing frustrations and encourage her husband to seek necessary health treatment, ultimately strengthening their relationship. Professionally, as an architect and author, the enhanced communication skills gained from Alejandra's teachings allowed Cathy to approach her work with a renewed sense of confidence and effectiveness.
Listeners looking to experience similar transformative effects in their communication and relationships are encouraged to explore personal communication coaching with Alejandra. Whether it's navigating personal relationships or professional challenges, mastering the art of conscious communication with Language Alchemy can lead to significant growth and development.
• “Working with you, Alejandra, has been a game changer for me, not only a game changer, but a life changer.” (5:16 | Cathy Simon)
• “You pointed out some very, very tough things to me about the way I was communicating, what I want versus what other people want and how to express that, and ways of talking together.” (7:54 | Cathy Simon)
• “One of the things I do, because I'm a kind of action-oriented person, I like to make suggestions, and I want everything to be better, and I want things to kind of be my way. And Alejandra, you showed me what that means in terms of its impact on other people, and also how to talk about things that are desired in a very different way with the conversation, with setting the table, in a sense, for a better outcome. And you've helped me set the table very, very beautifully.” (8:57 | Cathy Simon)
• “You give people not only a voice, but also a way to use that voice in the most positive, and productive way. And productive, I mean, because it's not just being positive. But it's actually productive of a result.” (13:08 | Cathy Simon)
To have group coaching with Alejandra, visit:
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To ask questions you'd like Alejandra to answer in the podcast, visit:
To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023

As one year ends and another begins, it's a significant time for reflection and planning. In this final episode of 2023, Alejandra introduces a three-part approach to transition – acknowledgement, desire, and commitment – guiding listeners through an intentional process of self-reflection and goal setting.
The Acknowledgement phase focuses on introspection about the past year. Alejandra encourages listeners to reflect on their experiences, learn from them, and identify areas for growth. This phase is not just about looking back, but understanding how past experiences can shape future actions. In the Desire phase, Alejandra prompts listeners to think about what they want for themselves in the upcoming year. This involves envisioning future goals and using affirmative language to articulate these ambitions. The aim is to create clear and positive intentions for the future. The Commitment phase is about turning these intentions into practical steps. Alejandra emphasizes the need for actionable plans and personal accountability to achieve these goals.
This episode will be valuable for listeners who wish to thoughtfully close one year and begin another with clear intentions and a plan for achieving them.  Alejandra invites listeners to begin the year with her in a very special 2-hour event on January 1, 2024.  In this live, online workshop called Enjoying Thriving Relationships, she will be guiding participants through a process to reflect on their 2023 communication and relationships, connect to their skills and capacities, and make the necessary adjustments to approach 2024 from a place of inner knowing, self-love, and capability.
• “If you don't take the time to reflect on the cycle that's ending, you are likely to forget the lessons you learned, the skills and capacities you developed. And you are also likely to neglect to give attention to the reparations and corrections that are important for you to make.” (3:51 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “Life has a way of bringing us more opportunities to learn certain lessons until we learn them.” (4:25 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• “When you are connecting to what you need to communicate and how you want to show up, you are using the language of desire. When you truly engage in the language of desire, you feel inspired.” (9:51 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• “I have never seen a magic wand that will make what you want appear in front of you out of thin air, especially when you connect to your deep longings. So you need to break them down into all the steps you need to make so that these longings do come true.” (12:05 | Alejandra Siroka) 
To sign up for 2-hr online workshop Enjoy Thriving Relationships in 2024, visit:
To apply for January Group Coaching, visit:
To work with Alejandra, visit:
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To ask questions you'd like Alejandra to answer in the podcast, visit:
To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023

What can happen when you create new intentions for your communication? You can bring forth peace, harmony, compassion, equality, and equity in your life and relationships! 
Get out a pencil or open up your notes app now because host Alejandra Siroka shares the best episodes of 2023, providing a wealth of communication resources to help you become a mature, capable, and loving adult. This episode gives you the road map of our listener’s most loved content that can support your individual communication goals in 2024.
Why should you listen? Because these episodes have helped countless individuals navigate their communication challenges and create meaningful connections. What will you learn? You'll discover how to understand and transform your internal dialogue, communicate effectively with your romantic partner, engage in courageous conversations about social topics, transform your life through conscious communication, and navigate conflicts with authenticity and compassion.
If you're interested in working with Alejandra, you can jump start your year with a 2-hour online workshop on January 1 called "Enjoy Thriving Relationships in 2024", by signing up at Another option is to join her new group coaching program, also starting in January, by applying at If you prefer individual coaching to address your specific communication goals, you can learn more about that format and more information at
• “Conscious communication is an inside job. If you want to have thriving relationships, meaningful interactions, and a fulfilling life, you have to be aware of how you are talking to yourself.” (4:00 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “When our communication with our partner is not meaningful or when we're not connecting, every aspect of our lives gets impacted.” (7:40 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “Let's acknowledge that 2023 was a challenging year for our precious and diverse human family. All over the world, people are hurting. There are so many conversations we need to learn to have about relevant social issues without fighting and without increasing divisiveness.” (9:39 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “When there's so much pain going on in the world, we need to be able to show up as a mature, capable, and loving adult.” (11:17 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “If we want to have a more peaceful and authentic life. relationships and world, then we all need to learn to navigate conflict skillfully.” (13:03 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “Thank you to all of you for listening and for implementing these tools in your communication. Thank you for bringing forth more peace, more clarity, more compassion, more love, more equity into your lives, into your relationships, into your communities, and into our precious and diverse human family.” (16:14 | Alejandra Siroka)
To sign up for 2-hr online workshop Enjoy Thriving Relationships in 2024, visit:
To apply for January Group Coaching, visit:
To work with Alejandra, visit:
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To ask questions you'd like Alejandra to answer in the podcast, visit:
To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Dec 13, 2023

Satisfaction in life often hinges on the quality of our relationships, which in turn, is deeply rooted in how we communicate. In this episode of the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka introduces her unique approach to communication coaching, designed to enhance your interactions and deepen your connections with others.
Alejandra categorizes the need for personalized communication coaching into four distinct areas. The first is for those who are dissatisfied with their relationships despite efforts like reading self-help books or attending workshops. They yearn for deeper connections but find themselves in a loop of unsatisfactory interactions. For the second group, the struggle lies in effectively communicating personal needs. Often saying yes when they mean no, these individuals grapple with superficial relationships due to their inability to be authentic, open, or vulnerable. The third group Alejandra discusses comprises people whose outdated communication patterns don't match their current maturity level, leading to frustrating and ineffective interactions. Lastly, the fourth group includes those who have been told they lack clarity or empathy in their communication, affecting their self-esteem and relationships.
Emphasizing the urgency of addressing these communication barriers, Alejandra offers a compassionate and safe transformative coaching environment for growth. She shares client testimonials, highlighting the positive changes experienced through her coaching. She also extends an invitation to her upcoming communication coaching programs, including individual, couples, and group coaching, as well as a workshop on setting effective intentions in 2024. Listeners seeking to improve their communication skills and transform their relationships are encouraged to join!
• “I don't teach formulaic communication. I teach people to communicate authentically, to be themselves.” (3:37 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “You want something different for your life. You are tired of same, same, same. You would like to feel closer to people. You would like to have enjoyable, long lasting relationships. You would like to have a close circle of friends that you can count on. And you want to feel understood, respected, and loved. If this is you, this is a fantastic time to work on your communication and have a customized communication coaching program so that you can find out the unhelpful communication patterns you are unaware of and that you keep repeating.” (5:47 | Alejandra Siroka) 
• “I can assure you that the people in your life who want to, or who are ready to know you and love you for all that you are, are waiting for you to give them the real you.” (9:14 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “I shared with you four categories of reasons why it would be important that you have a customized communication coaching program. The first reason is that you are not having the kind of life and relationships you want to have. and you would like enjoyable long lasting relationships. The second is that you are aware that you don't know how to communicate something of value to you and be authentic with others and you would like to learn how. The third reason is that you still communicate like you used to when you were young and you're tired of this because you want to accomplish the beautiful vision you have for your life and relationships. And the fourth reason is that you got feedback that you don't communicate with clarity, confidence, or compassion. And deep inside, you know it's true.” (20:17 | Alejandra Siroka) 
To sign up for the 2-hour online workshop on January 1st, visit:
To apply for the upcoming Transformative Communication Group Coaching, visit:
To work with Alejandra, visit:
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To ask questions you'd like Alejandra to answer in the podcast, visit:
To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by

Wednesday Dec 06, 2023

Struggling with dietary choices and communication during the holiday season? In this insightful episode of the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka is joined by Thais Harris, a board-certified holistic nutritionist, for a deep dive into managing food choices and conversations about diet in festive gatherings. Thais emphasizes self-love and understanding personal dietary needs, advocating for starting the day with a protein-rich meal and staying well-hydrated. She also shares a valuable breath technique before social events to remain grounded and focused on personal health goals.
As the discussion unfolds, Thais offers advice on setting boundaries and skillfully communicating dietary changes to family members. She stresses the importance of being clear about one's health commitments, seeking support, and explaining the reasons behind dietary choices to encourage understanding from loved ones. Each family dynamic is unique, and Thais notes the importance of tailoring the conversation to individual relationships.
The conversation then explores holistic nutrition and its comprehensive approach that interconnects body, mind, and spirit. Thais speaks about optimizing the body's innate healing abilities and addressing the root causes of health issues. She highlights the significance of gratitude and mindfulness in our relationship with food, acknowledging the deep cultural and emotional connections we share through culinary traditions.
Addressing the challenges hosts face, Thais provides practical suggestions for accommodating diverse dietary needs, advocating for clear communication about menu items and inviting guests to contribute dishes that meet their preferences, fostering an inclusive environment.
Thais shares three mindset shifts to nurture self-love and better health, accessible through her free guide. She also offers six tips for enjoying the holidays in a balanced and healthy manner. This episode, rich in practical advice and heartfelt insights, emphasizes the importance of self-care, clear communication, and empathy in navigating the culinary aspects of holiday celebrations.
• "Thais cultivates self-love as the guiding principle in making dietary and lifestyle changes to rediscover radiant health, transforming the relationship with our body, mind, and food."  (02:27 | Alejandra Siroka)
• "Something that you'll need to do pretty soon, if you haven't already, is to be able to talk about food. Why? Because this is the time of year when we get together with family, with friends, with co-workers to celebrate the end-of-year festivities. And in these gatherings, food plays an important role. (1:41 | Alejandra Siroka)
• “I help women love themselves into their ideal body. It is not a thin body. It is not a tall body. There's no common trait that any one person is going to have with another. What personally for them is ideal is that body that can hold them where they can do all the things they love and really be present in their lives.” (19:42 | Thais Harris)
• “When we can spend most of our time really investing in good quality food and cooking for ourselves and our loved ones, trusting there will be 20% of the time that maybe we go to a friend's house and there may be some ingredients or oils and something they prepared that we wouldn't necessarily choose, but that we can literally look at that meal and think, this will nourish me. Because at that moment, it is about the social connection. It is about all of the other things that make up, you know, a healthy, happy life. And that is because we are supporting our body so strongly, the other 80% of the time, trusting that we'll be able to digest and process whatever's coming our way. (25:58 | Thais Harris) 
• “When we're hosting, it can be really hard to try and accommodate everyone, so I think to be very clear about here's what I'm making, this is why this is important, but I invite you to bring something that will nourish you if you don't eat any of these ingredients or some of these ingredients. (32:38 | Thais Harris)
"What a beautiful idea to invite people to bring and to say, this is what I'm going to cook. And if there's anything else you eat, please bring it. It's welcome here.” (34:17 | Alejandra Siroka) 
Connect with Thais Harris:
To visit Thais' website, go to:
Guide: 3 Mindset Shifts to Love Yourself Into Better Health:
Thais' Instagram:
Thais' Facebook:
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To ask questions you'd like Alejandra to answer in the podcast, visit:
To find out about 1:1 transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To find out about couple transformative communication coaching with Alejandra, visit:
To schedule a reduced-rate coaching consultation with Alejandra, visit:
To follow Alejandra on instagram follow @languagealchemy
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Podcast production and show notes provided by


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This is the description area. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help potential listeners better understand and become interested in your podcast. Think about what will motivate them to hit the play button. What is your podcast about? What makes it unique? This is your chance to introduce your podcast and grab their attention.

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