The Language Alchemy Podcast
The language you use every day shapes your world and is your bridge to deeply connecting with yourself and others. Through the Language Alchemy Podcast, host Alejandra Siroka, a transformative communication teacher and coach, invites you to explore and express your deepest truths with clarity, confidence, and compassion. Give conscious shape to a fulfilling life and meaningful relationships with Language Alchemy.
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Who are you when you show up to spend time with your family? Are you comfortable sharing your authentic self?
In today’s episode, I’m sharing a transformative communication tool that can help you show up with your family as the person you truly are.
This communication model is called the Johari Window, and I wish it was more widely known!
We’ll go in depth to explore each of the components of this very powerful model. I’ll also share examples from my own life and my work as a communication coach that will clarify why this model is so powerful.
I invite you to use the Johari Window this holiday season to have a greater sense of connection and togetherness with your family!
Takeaways from this episode:
Authenticity is a gift that inspires everyone around us.
The Johari Window is a transformative communication tool that can help you show up as you truly are.
Using this tool can help you move towards connection with family members.
For further exploration, please visit:
Episode 19. Going home for the holidays and feeling uneasy? Two ways to work with your feelings:
20. Your true power to handle family dynamics that need to change
Read more about The Johari Window please visit:
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Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
During the holiday season, you may be spending more concentrated time with family, than you have in the past 2 years. And even though some things have changed, you may be wondering if your family dynamics would stay the same.
Do you wish you could change how your friends and family communicate because that would make it easier for you to spend time with them?
Then, listen to this episode!
Takeaways from this episode:
What you do and don’t have the power to change when it comes to a family dynamic
Five questions you can ask yourself to help shift a dynamic that needs to change
For further exploration, please visit episode 19. Going home for the holidays and feeling uneasy? Two ways to work with your feelings:
Also visit episode 10. Are you attacking others without even knowing it?
For more resources about communication, go to:
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
For many people, and perhaps you as well, having a virtual holiday celebration with family members last year was a welcome break.
As we head back to in-person gatherings this year, you may notice uncomfortable feelings emerging again.
In this episode, I’m sharing two ways to work with your feelings so that you can enjoy the holidays and even bring connection, peace, and healing to the relationship with your family members.
Takeaways from this episode:
The holiday season can be a stressful time as you travel to gather together.
Two ways of shifting the experience of uncomfortable feelings.
To hear about how you can approach conversations about vaccines with conscious choice, you can listen to episode 4.Vaccine Conversations: Finding the language of connection:
Download the FREE 5 steps to redirect your reactivity, which includes a BONUS section about how to communicate on social media:
To ask your communication questions, click here:
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For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Many people ask me for book recommendations or want to know my opinion about popular books on communication. In this episode, I review the book “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life” written by one of my dear teachers, Marshall Rosenberg, PhD.
In Marshall's approach there are four sequential steps, which I describe in detail and give you examples about each of them.
I also share 10 teachings from the book that have influenced Language Alchemy.
Takeaways from this episode:
“Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life” by Marshall Rosenburg, PhD has influenced me in many ways.
His method has 4 steps. There can be benefits and drawbacks in following the exact system.
There are 10 concepts from the book that transform the way you think about communication
Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships (Nonviolent Communication Guides)
Download the FREE 5 steps to redirect your reactivity, which includes a BONUS section about how to communicate on social media:
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Do you wonder what is“politically correct” or “right” language to refer to people or groups of people? Do you often worry you’ll use offensive words unintentionally? That’s exactly the question sent in by “M” which I am answering today.
“Alejandra,” writes M., “I'm feeling anxious about what to say to people when I meet people for the first time. With all that I have been learning about systemic racism and unconscious biases, I don't know what's okay to say anymore? How do I make sure my language is not offensive?”
Thank you for asking this! I have many clients who express the same concern.
Digging deeper than just the words, I’ll share how you can bring mindfulness in each conversation that you have.
The language we use communicates our biases, which is why it’s essential to explore what we may be really communicating so that our interactions can bring us together and not further apart.
Takeaways from this episode:
I invite you to be mindful about the language you use when meeting someone for the first time.
There are 3 questions people commonly ask when getting to know someone, and it’s worth examining the biases they may communicate
I offer you questions and topic alternatives that can lead to connection
7. The impact of using labels in your communication:
Download the FREE 5 steps to redirect your reactivity, which includes a BONUS section about how to communicate on social media:
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Communication on social media has the potential to be frustrating or painful, which is why this is the third episode in a row devoted to the topic. We looked at interpersonal dialogue in episode 14, and inner dialogue in episode 15, so now it’s time to examine cancel culture.
You may be surprised to find out the origins of cancel culture don’t have anything to do with social media!
Although it doesn’t have recent beginnings, there are several factors in our modern lives that have caused an explosion of cancel or “call out” culture. I’ll tell you what those factors are and how you can help reduce them in your life.
Looking through the Language Alchemy lens, social media communication offers us the opportunity to develop capacity for a more humane, humble, and bridge-building type of dialogue.
I’m sharing three steps you can take before you decide to cancel someone.
Takeaways from this episode:
Cancel culture didn’t originate in the age of social media.
Communicating over the computer, where we can see only a small profile picture of someone, diminishes the humanity we feel towards them.
There are three things you could do before deciding to cancel someone.
Listen to Episode 14, which focuses on the use of social media and your interpersonal communication:
Listen to Episode 15, where I delve into the dynamics between social media and our internal dialogue:
Learn about Anita Bright’s work ‘Calling In, Not Calling Out: A Critical Race Framework for Nurturing Cross-Cultural Alliances’:
Download the FREE 5 steps to redirect your reactivity, which includes a BONUS section about how to communicate on social media:
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
As you scroll through social media, do you sometimes feel stress, frustration, and pain when you see certain posts? In episode 14, we considered interpersonal social media communication, but what about when posts elicit inner divisiveness?
In this episode I’ll talk about the relationship between social media and your inner dialogue. I’ll share some things we tend to hear in our heads when we read certain posts, and I’ll offer you some reframes so that you can enjoy your engagement with social media.
This episode is an invitation to be mindful about the way you communicate with yourself when you’re on your favorite social media platforms!
To guide you, I share three tips that can help you connect back to yourself.
Takeaways from this episode:
How we think that social media impacts our inner dialogue
The real source of inner divisiveness, disconnection, and pain in our internal dialogue
Three tips that will help you create healthy boundaries with social media.
Listen to Episode 14, which focuses on the use of social media and your interpersonal communication:
Download the FREE 5 steps to redirect your reactivity, which includes a BONUS section about how to communicate on social media:
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Are you using social media with awareness, or are you allowing it to foster divisiveness and pain?
Facebook specifically has been in the news recently regarding the way it’s platform promotes polarizing content.
At the same time, we can’t dismiss our own choices when it comes to what we post and comment. We share part of the responsibility for creating an environment of collaboration, kindness, and understanding.
I’m sharing three things you can do immediately to move away reactive communication that furthers divisiveness.
If you’re listening in real time, there are just a couple more days to join my 6 week online course Choosing True Connection. Doors close October 21st! Go to for more information and to join.
Takeaways from this episode:
Communicating through social media without awareness can cause stress and disconnection.
Content that incentivizes toxicity spreads in viral ways on these platforms.
Learn three things you can do right now to promote connection instead.
Listen to Episode 13, which focuses on triggers, habitual communication and how you can practice the solutions to avoid disconnect when you get triggered:
Download the FREE 5 steps to redirect your reactivity, which includes a BONUS section about how to communicate on social media:
Sign up to the 6-week online course ‘Choosing True Connection’, Registration closes soon!
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Despite what you may have heard before, getting triggered is not a bad thing and I’ll show you how in this episode. I’ll talk about how when you get to know your triggers and trigger reactions well, you can actually get closer to cultivating peace, connection, or love.You’ll hear about the three important things we must acknowledge about triggers and how we respond to them.And by the end of the episode, you’ll have three tools to work with your triggers.Takeaways from this episode:
A different perspective about getting triggered
What it really means to “get triggered” and the three things we must acknowledge about it.
The three tools you have access to use right away to work with your triggers
If you are ready to go deeper and have new thoughts, behaviors, and communications, check out the 6-week online course I’m teaching called Choosing True Connection. Info here - LINKS FROM THIS EPISODE:
Learn more about Angeles Arrien:
Download the FREE 5 steps to redirect your reactivity:
Sign up to the 6-week online course ‘Choosing True Connection’, Registration closes soon!
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Are there times when you don’t know what to say?
Maybe you stay quiet and end up feeling bad later because you missed a chance to say something meaningful. If you have this experience, or know people who do, you’ll find this episode helpful.
When you lose your ability to say something, you go into communication shut down and later spend a lot of energy rehashing those conversations in your head. It can be exhausting.
This habit is a somatic reaction in your body. I’m going to teach you the three systems that are affected and explain the one reason they shut down in those moments.
Along the way, we’ll look at a few stories about this type of communication shutdown through the Language Alchemy lens, so you can see different ways it shows up in our relationships.
The good news is that I have a remedy you can use right away to help counteract this trigger reaction. And I also have a deeper way of working with communication shutdowns in the 6-week online course called Choosing True Connection. I’m inviting you to join me and let me teach you how you can have the ability to find your voice in the moments that matter the most!
Takeaways from this week’s episode:
Communication shutdown is a freeze reaction in three systems of your body.
The one reason your body freezes up at those times.
A remedy you can use to recover from this trigger.
Sign up to the 6-week online course ‘Choosing True Connection’, Registration closes soon!
To ask your communication questions, click here:
To join the mailing list, visit:
For more resources about communication, go to:
Podcast Music composed by Gary Lapow:
Produced by The Podcast Space, LLC.